Col. Chris Hadfield on space food, Andy Ricker on Thailand, Herb Eckhouse on prosciutto, Jenn Louis on salad, the Sterns in Florida.
Lisa Heathcote on Downton Abbey, Rene Redzepi on fun, Rachel Laudan on empires, Michael Anthony, Katie Workman.
Isaac Mizrahi's Key 3, Crescent Dragonwagon on beans, Patrick Comiskey on Madeira.
Nathan Myhrvold on modernist cuisine, Hank Shaw on goose, Alice Medrich on chocolate, Joshua Wesson on wine, the Sterns.
David Chang on fusion, Diana Henry on zakuski, Ray Isle on classic wine.
Your Thanksgiving calls, with Lidia Bastianich, David Leite, Melissa Clark, Carla Hall, Francis Lam and Henry Alford.
Adam Rapoport on pumpkin pie, Stanley Tucci on recipes, Elizabeth Royte on food waste, Stump the Cook.
Jacques Pépin on cooking, Vikas Khanna on religion, Debra Samuels on obento, Ina Lipkowitz on language.
Ray Isle on vines, Andrew Schloss on slow cooking, David Tanis on Chez Panisse, Dan Newman on leftovers, The Perennial Plate.
Daniel Boulud's recipes, Samira Kawash on candy, Tricia Williams on coconut oil, James Bartlett on ghosts.