Crushing cooked edamame makes a thick, jade sauce that is popular in the Tohoku (northeast) region of Japan. There, the dish is called zunda, written with the calligraphy for "crushing" and "beans." Here is the savory version of zunda aé, most often used to dress fried or sautéed chunks of eggplant. Traditionally, zunda aé was made by grinding the soybeans in a mortar. In the modern washoku kitchen, a food processor simplifies the process.
This salad is sure to be a showstopper at any picnic and is not impossible to make.
You could cook the asparagus a day ahead, and make the salad hours before serving.
Cash in on local organic apples if you can. Check out what's in the market, and buy whichever kinds are new to you. Line a basket with colorful kitchen towels. If possible, label the different apples with a card slipped in next to them. Supply knives for slicing, or encourage everyone to just eat the apples out of hand.
My friend Lois claims having these tomatoes on hand is like having money in the bank. I use them when sundried tomatoes are called for but these are much juicier and luscious. Pieces of ripe summer tomato are slow roasted with olive oil until their edges have a lacy golden crust and the tomatoes taste like candy.
Copyright 1996 From "Savoring Spices and Herbs" By Julie Sahni, Published by William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York
Copyright 2007 Lynne Rossetto Kasper. All Rights Reserved.
This popular dish, called porpetton de faxolin in dialect, is irresistible. Polpettone in the rest of Italy means meat loaf, but in vegetable-crazy Liguria there is no meat in sight. This tart is wonderful as a snack, an antipasto, or a main course. For Ligurians it has the particular association of being the food that is packed to take along for hikes and country outings.