For the meringues:
A simple and delicious dessert, it is much more interesting when the caramel has a bitter edge.
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F./220 degrees C. (or 400 degrees F./200 degrees C. if you have convection).
For the lemon lover, delicate sandwich cookies that can either contain a gilding of jam or be made extra lemony with lemon buttercream or lemon curd.
They’re a crumbly Spanish shortbread most popularly known as Mexican wedding cookies or Russian tea cakes.
Stack cakes aren’t traditional layer cakes—they look more like a stack of pancakes piled up with a sweet filling between the layers.
Break it into pieces or cut into shapes with a serrated knife.
Welcome to the very sweet union of the macaroon and the candy bar.
These cookies go by the many endearing names for pigs in Spanish: cerdito, cochinito, marranito, or puerquito. This is the recipe that is the most requested on my blog by Mexicans living abroad.
You may think I have gone off the rails by adding curry powder to cookies, but along with the ground and candied ginger, the combo really wakes up a classic American cookie.